Table of Contents

Open Behavior Trees

An open-source, flexible Behavior Tree implementation for Unity, inspired by BehaviorDesigner and other Behavior Tree implementations.

Behavior Tree

Hierarchical Behavior Organization

Behavior trees streamline complex gameplay logic design, ensuring an intuitive gaming experience.

Dynamic Adaptability

Behavior trees allow for adaptive gameplay, adjusting behaviors based on player actions, enhancing engagement.

Modular Scalability

The modular design of behavior trees supports effortless scalability, enabling easy addition of features for long-term game success.

Give Your Game an Edge

Behavior Trees are increasingly important as a tool for creating compelling game AI. Take advantage of this free tool to make your game a more engaging experience.

  • Implement a hierarchical structure for efficient complexity handling

  • Adjust behaviors based on player actions, boosting engagement

  • Utilize modular design for easy addition of features and content

  • Implement intuitive mechanics for efficient design and implementation

  • Future-proof games by ensuring stability and maintaining competitiveness

Editor Window

Intuitive Visual Editing

Take advantage of a powerful visual editor to supercharge your workflow.

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